
Relações Internacionais

Flag of India.svg

Adacir Reis escreve sobre a Índia

Em artigo na Revista Investidor Institucional, o advogado Adacir Reis escreve sobre as potencialidades da Índia. “Em 2030 a Índia será a terceira maior economia do mundo e o Brasil, quem sabe, estará entre as cinco maiores”. Para Reis, há um campo extraordinário de oportunidades …

Foto MAPA África - Índia

India and Africa: new markets*

India has 1.4 billion people and is overtaking China as the most populous country in the world. The African continent has another 1.4 billion people.
We cannot see India as an exotic country, as it is each day more integrated into the world.

Brazilian Foreign Policy and South America

Brazilian foreign policy and south america

“The time for Brazilian diplomacy to go back to prioritizing its regional surroundings.” This is the name of one timely paper published by CEBRI (Brazilian Center for International Relations) and signed by the notorious experts Hussein Kalout, Feliciano Guimarães, and Fernanda Cimini. This document shows …


India and Africa: new markets*

Por Adacir Reis

India has 1.4 billion people and is overtaking China as the most populous country in the world. The African continent has another 1.4 billion people. We cannot see India as an exotic country, as it is each day more integrated into the world.

Brazilian Foreign Policy and South America

Por Adacir Reis

The time for Brazilian diplomacy to go back to prioritizing its regional surroundings.” This is the name of one timely paper published by CEBRI (Brazilian Center for International Relations) and signed by the notorious experts Hussein Kalout, Feliciano Guimarães, and Fernanda Cimini.